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Why Run of River is no solution
The Big Lie About the Need For Power
Written by Rafe Mair   
Wednesday, 01 April 2009 13:56

As I write this it's one down, 6 to go on my 7 speeches in 7 days tour. It is my intention to speak in every corner of the province against the privatizing of our power.

Since I began this fight I've been wondering what argument the government was going to put up it being impossible for me to see anything to be said for this energy plan.

Forgive me if I go over some old ground today but as the government's spin is now becoming clearer I think it's time to put some things in perspective.

First, let me say that Save Our Rivers Society is opposed to any privatization of power. We have been well served by BC Hydro since the late 60s and we'd be damned fools to let it go.

Second, here's what the government story is. We need power they tell us and quote statistics to demonstrate this. They use BC Hydro figures to demonstrate this but that does not include the 12% of power that comes from other sources such as Alcan, Teck Cominco, Fortis and the like. The National Energy Board, an independent body which issues the export permits, has BC a net exporter of most years.

At the meeting in Squamish was a man with an interest in private river power and his mantra was "we need power therefore we must encourage private river power. He spent much of his questioning stating and demonstrating the need for more power, especially into the future.

I confronted him with this fatal argument.

"Sir", I said, "even if we did need power - indeed let's say for sake of argument we need it badly - Private power would be the very last place we would look to got help because private river power can only produce power during the Spring run-off when BC Hydro's reservoirs are full."

Let's pause here for a moment. You cannot store electricity in any quantity, what you store is water in the reservoir behind the dam. BC Hydro has huge reservoirs behind their dams along with other reservoirs. For all practical purposes private river plants don't store water so must make their electricity when the river is flowing sufficiently high as to turn their generators. Thus the only power private river power can produce comes when BC Hydro doesn't need it. It follows that power provided is for export. My private river friend had to admit I was right.

But he and his government friends continually ignore that truth and re-kindle once more their mantra that we need the power so we must put in private river schemes even though they know that this simply doesn't follow, is a non sequitur.

The technique is the "big lie", which holds that the bigger the lie you tell, the easier it is to get acceptance. As long as the government and private river power producers keep saying "we need the power, therefore we need private energy producers" there will be some acceptance of that nonsense. I suggest that we meet this lie by saying the plain truth over and over - even if we did need power there is no way that private river power could provide it.

There was another interesting opinion expressed by way of a question. "Shouldn't we, as good neighbours, help the United States with their energy crisis?"

Not, surely, until they've exhausted their own solutions. Why should we dam and divert our rivers and streams so that they don't have to do the same south of the border?"

"But", the questioner pressed on, "if we can send hydro power to the US so that they don't have to use fossil fuels to create it, aren't we helping to reduce climate change?"

The answer is that there isn't a tittle of evidence to support the notion that the US will use our power as a reason to be more conservation minded and in fact, cheaper power from us will simply encourage them to carry on as usual! The US contributes the same Greenhouse gases as before, our rivers are trashed and we lose BC Hydro, for 49 years the provider of clean, cheap and abundant public power. This notion that we'll help the US with their greenhouse gases problem is not, of course, what the government has given us as the reasons they want us into private river power. We were told - and indeed are still being told - that the energy plan was to solve BC's energy problems (not real as we now know but fictional.)

My answer is that each nation has its own obligations to reduce greenhouse gases and that if the US wanted to reduce its impact then it should look to its own solutions before they come to ask us to do that which they won't do themselves. I see an obligation on British Columbia to get its own house in order - the same obligation is on other jurisdictions.

Besides - the best way British Columbia can make its contribution is to keep its trees.

The fight to save our rivers and our public power tradition goes on.

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Comments (3)
1. 02-04-2009 17:14
With BC Mary, it's the Trains, 
With Alexandra Morton, it's saving the Salmon. 
With Rafe, it's the Forests the Rivers and our hydro. 
I nominate all three for the Order of BC. They have been steadfast in their love for the creatures and the people of BC.
2. 12-04-2009 10:36
I'm with you Rafe. The Cambell government is driven by its own agenda that is in my opinion quite disconnected to the reality of our land and our time and we the people have to stand against their rhetoric. They mislead and hoodwink us into believing they know what they are talking about but all they know is what they want to achieve and what they have to do to achieve it. They are using the same old short term thinking that gets most countries into trouble wasting what is valuable in the long term for the short term benefit. The restraint that PM Chretien used when the deregulating of the banking industry was happening is what saved Canadian banks from the disaster that has befallen the US and world banks. We need to apply the same restraint to our rivers forests and other earth resources. A forest is a wealth of resource but once cut the the ground for the short term profit it provides the resource is lost and will not be recovered in Cambells lifetime. You cant create an old growth forest or a watershed and both of these elements are part of the respitory system of this planet. It makes complete sense to preserve the natural state and no sense to mess with it. The few pennies that are offered for the resources are not worth it when added up agaisnt the long term cost. I'll join with Rafe and all others to preserve our natural heritage for the generations to come and to hell with Cambell and his short term thinking. He doesnt represent the majority of British Columbians and its time we let him know. Show me the petition, I'll sign. SHow me the new champion and I'll vote for him. But I dont see the champion who can beat campbell yet.
3. 20-04-2009 04:16
Mr. braden
Well it doesnt look good for replacing campbell and he isnt on our side so the prospects look bleak. To replace the liberals we need a peoples choice champion and there isnt one on the horizon. It seems BC's political parties like their status quo and dont play for the win. The voters like their apathy and dont seem to give a damn until their jobs are threatened then they will take action but we all know thats going to be too late. Where are the champions who are prepared to stand up for responsible resource management who are also running for political office?  
THe NDP are not going to do it under their current leadership and there is no other party in the running at all. Campbells liberals have a slam dunk and can basically do what the hell they want with impunity so whats our choices?????????????

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