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Bute Inlet Private Power Proposal: Massive Project, No Consultation
Written by Rafe Mair   
Monday, 02 February 2009 00:00

Earlier this week, Damien and I went to Powell River to learn about Plutonic Power’s project in Bute Inlet. We will also be attending the company's public comment meeting in Campbell River on Feb 2, then hosting our own event in Courtenay on Feb 3 from 7-9 PM at the Florence Filberg Centre, seeing as the company and government EAO have not deemed it necessary to hold a meeting in that community.

Here is a bit of a summary of the project:

Proponent:  Plutonic Hydro Inc. / General Electric would have a 60% controlling interest
Number of creeks dammed: 17
Total Annual Output: 2,980 GWh
Total Estimated Project Cost: $4 billion, making it the largest single private power project in Canada
Estimated Annual Gross Revenue: Approximately $300,000,000 - 40 year contract including indexed escalation = approx. $16 billion
Wildlife affected: grizzly bear, salmon, resident salmonids.
Power lines: 428 km
Roads: 265 km
Bridges: 100 bridges
Production: 1027MW
Total crown land grants required for all of the above: Up to 45,000 hectares

Now a few notes of comparison with Site C:

It would only require only approx. 8,000 hectares of crown land in total (vs. up to 45,000 for the Bute) but would deliver significantly more power throughout the year (4,500 GWh vs. 2,980 GWh from the Bute project) and would be much more valuable "firm power"  The cost of power generated from Site C would be about half of that generated by the Bute project.

Plutonic's proposed project, then, is bigger than Site “C”, indeed the biggest private hydropower project in the country.

Let me make it absolutely clear that Save Our Rivers Society is not in favour of Site C. There is no need for Site C. It’s instructive, however, to note that BC Hydro is acting like they want it to proceed. We will vehemently oppose such a move. Having said that, the Site C situation does present an interesting contrast between what Hydro does to get public input and theCampbell government’s approach for private power proposals.

The Plutonic Power project in Bute Inlet – remember it’s bigger and far more environmentally intrusive than Site C - has involved NO, ZERO public hearings on the merits of the project. It will have had three on the “terms of reference” for the Environmental Assessment Office but Zilch on whether it should be done in the first place. Premier Gordon Campbell makes those sorts of decisions all by himself and they somehow, by the most amazing of circumstances, they always favour his corporate friends.

BC Hydro, on the other hand has had 48, yes 48 public hearings where the public can question the merits of the proposal and they plan more!
It becomes more and more obvious that the Campbell government doesn’t give a damn about the public.

If the government won’t change then we’ll just have to change the government.

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Comments (4)
1. 30-01-2009 16:48
Run of the rivers projects
It would seem that the main stumbling blocks to stop these projects is being overlooked as usual, Premier Campbell through Plutonic power is using and backing these projects as part of the "treaty" settlements. Why otherwise would all the named Indian bands be on board with Plutonic and supporting these projects!!! Plutonic has allready stated that all of these bands are "partners" in these ventures and will benifite monetary wise for many years to come. Have you heard of any Indian band standing forward to stop these projects!! 
You have doubts! well just ask the questions at any off these town hall meetings coming up. 
Without prejudice
2. 10-02-2009 15:25
PhD Regional Planning
Rafe: thanks for this piece about Plutonic (obviously not Platonic). I, too, am at that age where I get really impatient and mad about this subterfuge. I've seen so many times before that the public's right to know is bulldozed over. Let me tell you briefly about an Ontario Hydro meeting in Brockville ON (in the early '80s) to engage the public about their plan to build an "energy centre" on thew St. Lawrence. The first question from the citizens was: "is it nuclear or hydro?" It was never answered. Keep up the pressure. 
Gerald (Hornby Island)
3. 18-03-2009 19:09
Green Party Candidate
The comparison between Site C and the Plutonic Bute Project is instructive, but what amazes me most is the line from the article, "It becomes more and more obvious that the Campbell government doesn’t give a damn about the public." 
Having gone through a few years of so called "public consultation" process on the South Fraser Freeway where our comments were taken, but for the most part ignored, learned long ago the Campbell government doesn't give a damn about the public, except to perhaps to buy them off, for votes using taxpayers dollars for all sorts of promises, as the election approaches.
4. 24-04-2009 09:37
The "ENERGY PLAN" is the single cause of the following: 
1. Addition of G.H.G during construction. 
2. Removal of living trees which store carbon = less co2 capturing by the forest. 
3. Fragmentation of the pristine forest ecosystem. 
4. Roads introducing an increased human confrontation and increased poaching of grizzly bears. 
5. Increased Siltation of salmon bearing rivers or streams. 
6. Permanent alteration of species at risk habitat. 
7. Closing off areas that was once in the public domain. 
8. Killing of aquatic biota important for the food chain. 
9. Polluting of river water from contamination originating from the powerhouse machinery and turbines. 
10. Alteration of the natural hydrology of the land through diversion of rivers or streams 
11. dewatering of areas downstream of the diversions. 
12. removal of recreation areas on the river due to private property around the powerhouse. 
13. Transmission lines criss crossing the landscape, visual pollution and bird migratory hazzard. 
14. Noise disturbing and causing wildlife to move out of area.

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